Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
Watch four days of Twin Town Challenge action, laughs and memories packed into four minutes by the fantastic First Sight Media crew.
This amazing event finished on 2 May at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire after nearly 100 cars costing less than £500 made their way back from France following a weekend of exciting car-based challenges and activities. The event volunteers cheered the cars through the gates of the Palace and SpecialEffect Founder and CEO Mick Donegan spoke about the massive positive difference that the Twin Town fundraising will make to the lives of thousands of disabled people.
Congratulations to the Village PPEople from Aston and James for taking top spot in the points standings and winning the coveted Bob Marchbank Trophy.
A huge, huge THANK YOU to all the Twin Town organisers, volunteers, sponsors and participants who’ve gone way above and beyond in their fundraising efforts over the last eight years – you are simply amazing!